Computer Science
The introduction of new ideas and technologies requires the interplay of computer systems, computing and data processing.
Cultural Analysis
In Cultural Analysis, students examine cultural patterns in daily life and how they change. Students of Cultural Analysis will gain an understanding of how people’s behaviour, narratives and conceptual worlds are culturally formed.
Demographics (minor subject)
Demographics deals with the size, composition and development of human populations.
Developmental Psychology
Every individual has a unique lifecycle characterised by the challenges they face at various ages. Development Psychology is a discipline that studies human development, especially in childhood and adolescence when the development is fastest, but also in adulthood and old age.
Didactics for Physical Education, teacher training (minor subject)
As a class teacher student, you may choose basic studies and subject studies in Didactics for Physical Education and Sports.
Didactics for Visual Art Education, teacher training (minor subject)
Didactics for Visual Art Education includes areas of competence in visual culture and communications as well as the various areas of visual art.
Economic phenomena affect us on all levels in society. Economics is a discipline dealing with these issues from both a macroperspective at national and international levels and from a microperspective with a focus on markets.
Education, Preschool teacher
The years before school are important for a child’s development. During your studies in Education for preschool teachers you will learn about learning and development in childhood from several different viewpoints.
Education, Teacher training
The aim of teaching is to influence individuals’ learning in a goal-directed manner and using different methods. Education (or pedagogy) refers to the study of education, teaching and schooling with a special focus of the education of children and youth.
Energy Technology
Our energy supply is a crucial part of modern society. Students of Energy Technology in Vaasa will gain an understanding of the technical solutions and dynamics of the traditional energy economy as well as the challenges and possibilities offered by the transition to renewable energy sources and carbon-neutrality.
English Language and Literature
Expertise in English involves much more than the ability to express oneself fluently in the language. As a student of English Language and Literature you will also study linguistics, literature and society.
English, teacher training (minor subject)
You may choose minor subject studies in English Language and Literature or Didactics for English language teaching in basic education (25 cr).