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Subjects of study

Subjects of study

Två studerande som sitter och diskuterar.


In Philosophy, we know that good thinking takes time and effort.

Huvudämnet fysik.


Physics is the theoretical and experimental toolbox that helps us to learn about our environment and come up with theories, models and methods based on this knowledge.

Political Science

Various groups of people often have different views on how society and the world should look. Political Science is a discipline that studies questions concerning politics and society and the formation of society as a result of the exercise of political power.

Political Science with Media and Communication

Various groups of people often have different views on how society and the world should look. Political Science deals with issues concerning politics and power, and the optimal formation of society and its constitution.

Katedralen i Antwerpen.

Practical Theology

People and communities are different, and accordingly, communications and faith are expressed in different ways within the church.

Justitia med lejonet

Private Law (minor subject)

Law is omnipresent. The activities and functions of society are based on legislative norms and, especially in today’s society, many functions are governed by both national and international regulations.


Process and Systems Engineering

The dynamic industrial processes and systems require understanding of different complex entities.

Process Chemistry

New materials, processes and instruments are needed in order to find sustainable solutions to the global energy resource management.

Modeller av två hjärnor.


In different phases of life, we may need help into understanding ourselves and finding a way out of difficult situations. Psychology deals with human ideas, emotions, behaviours and relationships.

Åbo Akademis huvudbyggnad

Public Administration

The world is changing rapidly. In the news, we learn about the decisions made by politicians in an effort to deal with the changes.

Public International Law

On an almost daily basis the news presents us with a steady stream of stories on armed conflicts, terrorism and other unfortunate events that require intergovernmental co-operation to resolve effectively.

Public Law (minor subject)

The activities of states, municipalities and the EU have an impact on us all both at individual and societal levels.