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Subjects of study

Subjects of study

Russian Language and Literature

The language is the key to Russian society and culture. As a student of Russian Language and Literature, you will learn to master this exciting language, all the way from correct pronunciation to academic writing.


Being able to create things with one’s own hands contributes to individual well-being and quality of life, and it also promotes environmental thinking and sustainable development in society.

Studerande skär metall.

Sloyd, teacher training (minor subject)

Being able to create things with one’s own hands contributes to individual well-being and quality of life, and it also promotes environmental thinking and sustainable development in society.

Två studerande i foajén i Academill.

Social Policy

Our society is constantly changing and the changes result in often unknown but long-term social consequences. Social Policy studies these consequences and their effects on welfare and social security in society.



Human interaction is the core of our social relations and daily encounters as well as of societal processes and conflicts.

Special Education

The right to grow and learn at school is universal. Special Education deals with the pedagogical adjustments and support measures that are used in different educational systems in order to promote the schooling, education and rehabilition of children and youth with special needs.

Special Education, teacher training (Minor subject)

You can study Special Education as a minor subject (25 cr). Future class teachers, in particular, will benefit from supplementary studies in Special Education.


Speech and Language Pathology

Speech and Language Pathology is a discipline that studies various communicative functions, including voice, speech and language, but it also includes functions related to eating and swallowing.

Takmålning i Åbo domkyrka.

Study of Religions

Religions influence our ways of approaching ethical and moral issues and thereby characterise our communities and encounters with other people and cultures.

Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature, teacher training (Minor subject)

Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature (25 cr) is a minor subject module that provides qualification for teaching the Swedish language in classes from preschool to grade 6.

Swedish Language

Swedish Language is a subject that provides a broad and versatile perspective on Swedish and the Nordic languages, with a focus on the functioning, variation and evolution of the language.

Systematic Theology

Ethical issues play a significant role in the history and present of the Christian faith. Systematic Theology studies both the Christian faith’s content (that is, dogmatics) and theological ethics together with the philosophy of religion.