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Political Science

Political Science

Main subject – Political Science

Various groups of people often have different views on how society and the world should look. Political Science is a discipline that studies questions concerning politics and society and the formation of society as a result of the exercise of political power. Through your studies in Political Science you will learn about domestic and international politics, political parties and institutions, election and voting behaviours as well as democracy and the democratisation process. You will also gain insights into security policies, political history, comparative politics and political communication, and you may encounter such themes as political and bureaucratic corruption, the effects of information technology, the significance of physical features in countries and regions, environmental issues, and public opinion.

Studies in Political Sciences are broad and often linked to the lecturer’s own research. By selecting specific courses and minor subjects, you can create the professional profile you want and need. In addition to mandatory courses, you can select from courses offered in Vaasa or through the FinDem centre, which is a co-operative unit managed jointly with Political Science at the University of Turku. Political Science can be a useful minor subject for students with a different major subject.

Research within Political Science is focused on:

  • Democracy and democratisation
  • Political parties and institutions
  • Election and voting behaviours
  • Constitution
  • Corruption
  • Effects of new information technologies, and environmental issues

A comparative, even global perspective characterises a large part of research conducted within Political Science.

The Social Science Research Institute (Samforsk) works in close collaboration with the Political Science cluster.  The central research areas of Samforsk include democracy research, especially reseach on deliberative democracy, elections, voting behaviour and public opinion.

Samforsk coordinates the parliamentary election study conducted nationwide in Finland after every parliamentary election.


Visiting address

Vänrikinkatu 3 A


Åbo Akademi University
Political Science
Tuomiokirkontori 3
FI-20500 Turku