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Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature, teacher training (Minor subject)

Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature, teacher training (Minor subject)

Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature

Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature (25 cr) is a minor subject module that provides qualification for teaching the Swedish language in classes from preschool to grade 6. As a long minor subject (60 cr), Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature can be included in the Master’s degree in Education for class teachers. In this case, the studies are arranged jointly with the Swedish Language and Literature subject at the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology.

First-language didactics comprises several areas of studies, such as reading and writing pedagogy, literature education, drama education, multilingualism didactics, grammar didactics, aesthetic learning processes, media, evaluation and multimodal learning.


Visiting address

Rantakatu 2


Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa
Swedish as a First Language and Swedish Literature, teacher training
PL 311
FI-65101 Vaasa