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Major subject – Theology

Religion has an impact on our life choices, values, vision, actions and attitudes. Theology is a discipline that studies various forms of religious phenomena from the viewpoint of Christian tradition. During your studies, you will gain an overall picture of Theology and will learn, for example, to analyse religious texts and phenomena, discover the past behind the present, learn about historical events and reflect on ethical issues. You will gain a good scientific foundation and skills for your future work. You will learn to identify theological questions and problems, analysing them critically by means of methods provided in the different areas of Theology. Your studies will provide you with an insight into the history and present of the Bible, the history of Christianity, Christian ideology and practice, as well as other religions and views on life.

At Åbo Akademi University, all future theologians will study Theology as a multifaceted module during their common studies at Bachelor’s level, and then specialise in one of the alternative subject areas at Master’s level.  Your career profile (e.g., priest, teacher or researcher) will affect, to some extent, your studies at Bachelor’s level, but you will also have an opportunity to include elective studies in your degree.  At Master’s level, you will study various modules in accordance with your specialisation. These modules will provide you with qualification to serve as a priest or teacher, or theological expertise with social specialisation. Students majoring in other subjects may study General Theology as a minor subject.

In Theology, research is conducted in Old Testament exegetics and Judaism, New Testament exegetics, church history, dogmatics, theological ethics and philosophy of religion, and practical theology.


Visiting address

Piispankatu 16



+358 2 215 31