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Student Health Care Services

Student healthcare services for students in higher education 


The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) will provide student healthcare services for all higher education students. A healthcare fee for higher education students is paid to Kela.

Students who are entitled to use the services of FSHS are students who have registered as attending and who are completing

  • a bachelor’s or master’s level degree earned in a university of applied sciences
  • a bachelor’s or master’s level university degree.

Exchange students, students in open university and students in tailor-made, customer-specific training programmes are not entitled to use the services of FSHS.

Information on student healthcare services is available on the website of the Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS).

Students who are entitled to use the services of FSHS will pay a healthcare fee to Kela. No bill will be sent on the healthcare fee, and thus the student has to pay the fee on his or her own initiative.

Up-to-date information on the healthcare fee for higher education students and payment of the fee is available on Kela’s website.

The Student Health Care Services offers:


Kyrkovägen 13, 20540 Åbo (More details click here)
Wolffintie 27–31 (Alere), 4th floor, 65200 Vaasa (More details click here)


Updated 13.9.2024