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Admission to Master’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Imaging

Admission to Master’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Imaging

How can I apply?

The applicant applies directly to the Master’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Imaging. All applicants must meet the academic and language requirements.

The Master’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Imaging is a joint programme offered by both Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku. In order to increase the chances of being admitted to these programmes, applicants are advised to apply to both Åbo Akademi University and the partner university.

Academic requirements

The programme is open to those who have sufficient background knowledge in medical, biological and/or natural sciences and completed a lower university degree equivalent to a Finnish B.Sc. degree (180 ECTS) in Life Sciences or in a relevant field (biomedical or medical sciences, physics, engineering or chemistry).

The scoring of the applicants is done based on compatibility of the background studies, previous academic success and study history, laboratory working experience, motivation stated in the application and the interview performance.

Admission procedure and scoring the applicants in Biomedical Imaging (BIMA)

Applications for the Master’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Imaging are evaluated by the admission committee of the Master’s Degree Programme, done jointly for Åbo Akademi University and University of Turku. The admission committee first scores the applicants according to their background and selects maximum of 50 applicants for the interview round. The interviews will take place on week 11 (11-15.3.2024). The interviews will be organized remotely and all applicants must be able to use video connection. The invitations to the interviews will be sent by e-mail. If the applicant cannot be reached for the possible interview with a video connection, the application will not be processed further. Interview assignment is done strictly orally.

If an applicant has applied for the Biomedical Imaging programme to both universities ÅAU and UTU, the admission committee reserves a right to decide into which university the applicant will be admitted. The preferred choice of the applicant will be considered when possible.

Scoring of BIMA applicants

Scoring based on the application:

• Compatibility of the background studies: 0-4 points
• Previous academic success and study history 0-4 points
• Relevant practical laboratory working experience 0-4 points
• Motivation letter 0-4 points

Scoring based on the interview:

• The interview performance 0-4 points
• The English skills during the interview 0-4 points
• Completing a pre-assignment task during interview 0-4 points
• Motivation shown during the interview 0-4 points

If the applicant scores 0 points in any of the components, the application will not be processed further.

The best scoring applicants will be selected for the programme. In the case of same amount of points, all of the applicants with the same score will be selected.

Updated 21.9.2023