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Start using your student user account

Start using your student user account

As a student at Åbo Akademi University you will get access to your user account, including your username and your e-mail address, after you have received a right to study and have been registered as enrolled for the semester. Your user account is needed for logging in to the intranet, the study tool Peppi, and other platforms of Åbo Akademi University. If you already have or have previously had a user account at ÅAU you will as a rule receive the same username and e-mail address as previously, and you won’t need to go through the process of starting to use your account again.

We assume that you will read your e-mail at Åbo Akademi University. If you haven’t planned on regularly log in to ÅAU webmail or otherwise read e-mail directly through ÅAU, you can, as a student, set automatic forwarding of e-mail to some other e-mail address that you use (this does not apply to anyone employed by ÅAU). Regardless, it is important for you to read the e-mail sent to your ÅAU e-mail address, because that e-mail address is the one shown to teachers and others from the university who need to get in touch with you.

Åbo Akademi University has introduced an obligatory knowledge test in information security and data protection. This applies to all users, and the test must be passed within 30 days of when the user account was first taken into use, and thereafter every 13 months. Some ÅAU services also requite multi-factor authentication (MFA). More information about these can be found under IT help.

How to get access to your user account:

If you have a Finnish national identity number and access to Suomi.fi authentication (for instance bank codes) you can start using your user account via SelfService.

If you don’t have a Finnish national identity number or don’t have access to Suomi.fi authentication you can get access to your user account by visiting ICT Services Helpdesk in Turku or Vaasa during opening hours. If you don’t have the possibility of visiting us you can contact us via e-mail (see IT help).

You need to be enrolled as present or absent for the semester for your user account to remain active. See further information about annual enrollment.

Your user account is valid from the time we get information about you being a student, but certain functions are only available when your study right is valid. As an example: if you start studying in the autumn your user account may be created and possible to use already in July, but your student status is only valid from August 1st and thus it won’t be possible to log in and plan your studies before then.

If you have a Finnish national identity number and access to Suomi.fi authentication (for instance bank codes) you can start using your user account via SelfService.

If you don’t have a Finnish national identity number or don’t have access to Suomi.fi authentication you can get access to your user account by visiting ICT Services Helpdesk in Turku or Vaasa during opening hours. If you don’t have the possibility of visiting us you can contact us via e-mail (see IT help).

If you are already an employee (or otherwise have an agreement about user rights) you will keep the same user account as before when you are a student, and you won’t get another user account. Whether you have a user account because of studies or otherwise you as a student still need to be enrolled as present or absent for each semester. See further information about annual enrollment.

Your user account is valid from the time we get information about you being a student, but certain functions are only available when your study right is valid. As an example: if you start studying in the autumn your user account may be created and possible to use already in July, but your student status is only valid from August 1st and thus it won’t be possible to log in and plan your studies before then.

As an incoming exchange student you will receive your username and a temporary password when you enroll yourself in person at your place of study. After that you can start using your user account by logging in to SelfService and setting a new password.

If you have a Finnish national identity number and access to Suomi.fi authentication (for instance bank codes) you can start using your user account via SelfService.

If you don’t have a Finnish national identity number or don’t have access to Suomi.fi authentication you can get access to your user account by visiting ICT Services Helpdesk in Turku or Vaasa during opening hours. If you don’t have the possibility of visiting us you can contact us via e-mail (see IT help).

You need to be enrolled as present or absent for the semester also at ÅAU, in additional to being enrolled at your home university. This will not happen automatically after the first semester. Contact Student Services if you don’t know if you’re enrolled at ÅAU for the semester.

If you have a Finnish national identity number and access to Suomi.fi authentication (for instance bank codes) you can start using your user account via SelfService.

If you don’t have a Finnish national identity number or don’t have access to Suomi.fi authentication you can get access to your user account by visiting ICT Services Helpdesk in Turku or Vaasa during opening hours. If you don’t have the possibility of visiting us you can contact us via e-mail (see IT help).

Your study right is normally valid only the current academic year, and thus your user account is also valid only for that period. If you continue studying at the Open University your study right vill be extended and then your user account will also remain active for longer. If you have questions about your study right you may contact the Open University. Note that everyone with an ÅAU user account need to pass the obligatory test in information security and data protection; for more information see IT Help.

If you have a Finnish national identity number and access to Suomi.fi authentication (for instance bank codes) you can start using your user account via SelfService.

If you don’t have a Finnish national identity number or don’t have access to Suomi.fi authentication you can get access to your user account by visiting ICT Services Helpdesk in Turku or Vaasa during opening hours. If you don’t have the possibility of visiting us you can contact us via e-mail (see IT help).

As an extra student after completing a degree you have access to the same user account you had for your degree studies, although certain benefits and rights are no longer valid after completing your degree. Your study right for after completion of your degree is valid for the whole time period at once, but you still need to enroll for every academic year for your user account to remain active. See further information about annual enrollment.

If you have a Finnish national identity number and access to Suomi.fi authentication (for instance bank codes) you can start using your user account via SelfService.

If you don’t have a Finnish national identity number or don’t have access to Suomi.fi authentication you can get access to your user account by visiting ICT Services Helpdesk in Turku or Vaasa during opening hours. If you don’t have the possibility of visiting us you can contact us via e-mail (see IT help).

You FITech study right, and thus also your user account, depends on your application for participating in a FITech course at ÅAU and also that your application has been fully processed. If your user account cannot be found via SelfService it is possible that your application has not yet been processed at Student Services.

If you have a Finnish national identity number and access to Suomi.fi authentication (for instance bank codes) you can start using your user account via SelfService.

If you don’t have a Finnish national identity number or don’t have access to Suomi.fi authentication you can get access to your user account by visiting ICT Services Helpdesk in Turku or Vaasa during opening hours. If you don’t have the possibility of visiting us you can contact us via e-mail (see IT help).

You need to be enrolled as present or absent for your user account to remain active. For separate studies in education, you are usually registered as present for the full validity of your study right. See further information about annual enrollment.

Updated 25.3.2024