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Tenure Track Professors within Technologies for a Sustainable Future

Tenure Track Professors within Technologies for a Sustainable Future

Tenure Track Professor

Tan-Phat Huynh Associate Professor in Technologies for a Sustainable Future at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Dr. Huynh received his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 2014 from Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Huynh worked as postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Nanomaterial-Based Devices (Technion, Israel) from 2014 to 2016, focusing on the development of self-healing chemical sensors. Following this, during his second postdoc position he has worked on mussel-inspired materials at the Department of Chemistry (Aarhus University, Denmark). His interests include supramolecular polymers and their applications in chemical sensing. Huynh has published articles in high impact factor journals (e.g. Progress in Polymer Science, Advanced Materials, Nano Letter, etc.). Moreover, he is the co-owner of 3 granted patents and 7 patent applications.

Updated 17.11.2023