25.08.2022 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding the Baltic Sea Day |
31.05.2022 | Magnus Gustafsson’s and Henry Schwartz’s research into the benefits of sustainable fuels was featured in an article (navigator magazine, in Finnish) |
11.04.2022 | Henrik Ringbom wrote an article (Tidskriften Skärgården, in Swedish) on the law and shipwrecks |
11.04.2022 | Sam Grönholm took part in a discussion (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on how cities and municipalities can combat climate change |
10.04.2022 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding his history as a marine biology researcher |
10.04.2022 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Hufvudstadsbladet, in Swedish) regarding how the sanctions, due to the war in Ukraine, on Russian ships can be circumvented |
23.03.2022 | Henrik Ringbom and Magnus Hellström wrote an article (Tidskriften Skärgården, in Swedish) on the future of maritime transportation due to climate change |
05.11.2021 | Erik Bonsdorff presented about “Ett ekosystem i snabb förändring: Östersjön och vår skärgård som forskningsobjekt” and took part in a panel discussion regarding “Framtiden för Finlands fauna och flora” during Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 200 years celebration |
03.11.2021 | Marko Joas was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding the dismissal of Åbo Akademi University’s principal Moira von Wright |
03.10.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) regarding the illegality in building the Kvarkenbron |
30.09.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) regarding the illegality in building the Kvarkenbron |
30.09.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Östebottens Tidning, in Swedish) regarding the illegality in building the Kvarkenbron |
20.09.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Ålandstidningen, in Swedish) on the 60 years of environmental cooperation between Åbo Akademi and the Government of Åland |
16.09.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the European Researchers’ Night and the relationship between music and science |
06.09.2021 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
04.09.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Svenska Yle) on online teaching |
26.08.2021 | Pictures (Sweetagram, in Swedish) of Anna Törnroos-Remes presenting at the Upprop för Östersjön -sailing trip about the link between humans and the sea |
16.08.2021 | The summer’s marine heatwaves and their potential threats, which Christian Pansch-Hattich studies, was reported on (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) |
15.08.2021 | Christian Pansch-Hattich was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) regarding the occurence of vibrio bacteria in the Baltic Sea |
13.08.2021 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
13.08.2021 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Nya Åland, in Swedish) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
12.08.2021 | The summer’s marine heatwaves and their potential threats, which Christian Pansch-Hattich studies, was reported on (Yle, in Finnish) |
02.08.2021 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (SvD Näringsliv, in Swedish) on the future of cruise ships |
31.07.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the changing Arctic environment |
30.07.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Turun Seutusanomat, in Finnish) on the art exhibition about humans and their relationship with the sea |
28.07.2021 | Erik Bonsdorff wrote a newspaper leader (Ålandstidning, in Swedish) regarding research in the archipelago |
28.07.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was presenting at the Upprop för Östersjön -sailing trip on the link between humans and the sea (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) |
27.07.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Österbottens Tidning, in Swedish) regarding her research in the Arctic |
27.07.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) regarding her research in the Arctic |
30.06.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Kemia, in Finnish) on the changing Arctic environment |
30.06.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the changing Arctic environment |
03.06.2021 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) regarding shipping companies and business models |
01.06.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (My Helsinki) regarding the sea as a source of inspiration and other benefits |
27.05.2021 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Yle Vega and Auran Aallot) on the Corona pandemics effect on plastic packaging and take-away food |
25.05.2021 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Österbottens Tidning, in Swedish) on the Corona pandemics effect on plastic packaging and take-away food |
25.05.2021 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) on the Corona pandemics effect on plastic packaging and take-away food |
25.05.2021 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Hufvudstadsbladet, in Swedish) on the Corona pandemics effect on plastic packaging and take-away food |
25.05.2021 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the Corona pandemics effect on plastic packaging and take-away food |
25.05.2021 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Kapunkimedia Aamuset, in Finnish) on the Corona pandemics effect on plastic packaging and take-away food |
13.04.2021 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) regarding cruise ships activating again after the pandemic |
16.03.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on Neste’s decision to locate their new biorefinery in Rotterdam |
12.03.2021 | Erik Bonsdorff and Christian Pansch-Hattich were interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding the advantages and disadvantages of conferences being held online |
11.03.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Svenska Yle) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
11.03.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Nya Åland) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
02.03.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Security) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
01.03.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Ålandstidningen, in Swedish) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
01.03.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
27.02.2021 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics |
25.02.2021 | Magnus Hellström and his research project on cruise ship’s safety during pandemics was reported on (Mediuutiset, in Finnish) |
15.02.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes wrote a newspaper column (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on digitalization of education and research |
14.02.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the art exhibition about humans and their relationship with the sea |
12.02.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the art exhibition about humans and their relationship with the sea |
08.02.2021 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the art exhibition about humans and their relationship with the sea |
08.02.2021 | Maria Laamanen wrote a column (Centrum Balticum, in Finnish) on the management of the Baltic Sea |
01.12.2020 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Centrum Balticum, in Finnish) on the implementation of laws to combat climate change |
21.10.2020 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Dagens Nyheter, in Swedish) regarding diving and the grave peace of Estonia |
06.10.2020 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Sverigesradio, in Swedish) regarding diving and the grave peace of Estonia |
05.10.2020 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Titan.uio.no, in Norwegian) in conjunction with a newly released article and regarding the health of the Baltic Sea |
29.09.2020 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Rapport) regarding diving and the grave peace of Estonia |
04.09.2020 | Erik Bonsdorff wrote an opinion piece (Österbottens Tidning, in Swedish) on how we should change our focus from short- to long-term solutions, such as reducing the release of nutrients from agriculture |
04.09.2020 | Erik Bonsdorff wrote an opinion piece (Vasabladet, in Swedish) on how we should change our focus from short- to long-term solutions, such as reducing the release of nutrients from agriculture |
31.08.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes wrote a newspaper column (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the relationship between the Baltic Sea and the EU |
27.08.2020 | Maria Laamanen and Anna Törnroos-Remes took part of the Turku Europe Forum panel discussion (Turun Sanomat, in Finnish) |
21.08.2020 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Hufvudstadsbladet, in Swedish) on that more dialog is needed to solve environmental problems |
19.08.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Österbottens Tidning, in Swedish) on the effects that climate change has on Kvarken and the rest of the Finnish coast |
19.08.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) on the effects that climate change has on Kvarken and the rest of the Finnish coast |
18.08.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Hufvudstadsbladet, in Swedish) on the effects that climate change has on Kvarken and the rest of the Finnish coast |
18.08.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the effects that climate change has on Kvarken and the rest of the Finnish coast |
31.07.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Österbottens Tidning, in Swedish) regarding the development of Kvarkenbron |
31.07.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) regarding the development of Kvarkenbron |
30.06.2020 | A research project within The Sea on the changing Arctic environment was reported on (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) |
10.06.2020 | Nina Tynkkynen was reported (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) taking part in a study about ticks |
12.05.2020 | Maria Laamanen opened the partner session during the Baltic Sea Day 2020 (John Nurminen Foundation) |
11.05.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes wrote a newspaper column (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on phytoplankton blooming and its effects in the Baltic Sea |
21.04.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) on the Baltic clam |
07.05.2020 | Jaana Kouri was interviewed (John Nurmisen Foundation) regarding an exhibition on the Finns’ relationship with the sea |
17.02.2020 | Anna Törnroos-Remes wrote a newspaper column (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on love in the sea |
28.01.2020 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding diving and the grave peace of Estonia |
22.01.2020 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the wellbeing of cods |
31.12.2019 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the future of Finnish businesses |
20.12.2019 | Nina Tynkkynen took part in a meeting on plastic packaging and spoke of plastic as a problem (Mua-lehti, in Finnish) |
19.12.2019 | Marko Joas was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) regarding the legal education at Åbo Akademi University |
09.12.2019 | Marko Joas received the Kristina award for successful research (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) |
09.12.2019 | Marko Joas received a recognition award for successful research (Turun Sanomat, in Finnish) |
23.11.2019 | Christian Pansch-Hattich was interviewed (Hufvudstadsbladet, in Swedish) regarding tourism and the environment in the Baltic Sea |
29.10.2019 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) regarding shipping delays |
07.10.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was reported (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) on having received the Östersjöfond award |
30.09.2019 | Maria Laamanen took part of the Marine Regions Forum (Global NGO Impact News) |
24.09.2019 | Christian Pansch-Hattich was reported (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on becoming an associate professor (tenure track) in marine biology at Åbo Akademi University |
24.09.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Turun Sanomat, in Finnish) regarding Christian Pansch-Hattich becoming an associate professor (tenure track) in marine biology at Åbo Akademi University |
27.08.2019 | Maria Laamanen presented (Youtube, in Finnish) the current situation regarding management and protection of the seas |
02.08.2019 | Anna Törnroos-Remes wrote a newspaper column (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on the relationship between humans and animals in the Baltic Sea |
26.07.2019 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Svensk Yle, in Swedish) on the risks of increasing car tolls on car manufacturing |
22.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (MTV Uutiset, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
22.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Salon Seudun Sanomat, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
22.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Savon Sanomat, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
22.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
22.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Keskisuomalainen, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
21.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Salon Seudun Sanomat, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
21.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Savon Sanomat, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
21.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Keskisuomalainen, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
21.07.2019 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, in Finnish) on the rights to seize ships at sea |
04.07.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Österbottens Tidning, in Swedish) on algal blooms in the Baltic Sea |
04.07.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Vasabladet, in Swedish) on algal blooms in the Baltic Sea |
25.06.2019 | Magnus Hellström was interviewed (forskning.no, in Norwegian) on the lifecycle of electric car batteries |
10.06.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Efter Nio, in Swedish) regarding the current and potential future health of the Baltic Sea |
17.06.2019 | Anna Törnroos-Remes, Magnus Hellström and Nina Tynkkynen took part in the Archipelago Sea Biosphere Reserve – a balance between man and nature newsletter (in Swedish) regarding the “vinterträff 2019” and humans and the sea |
20.05.2019 | Åbo Akademi University was reported (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) having received a donation from Academy of Finland, which was partly used to fund The Sea |
20.05.2019 | Åbo Akademi University was reported (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) having received a donation from Academy of Finland, which was partly used to fund The Sea |
10.05.2019 | The Academy of Finland was reported (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on having granted funding for a project within The Sea |
14.04.2019 | Marko Joas was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) regarding the strong performance by women in the election |
14.04.2019 | Marko Joas was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) regarding the potential election results of SFP |
03.04.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) on having received the Östersjöfond award |
03.04.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was reported (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on having received the Östersjöfond award |
03.04.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was reported (Västra Nyland, in Swedish) on having received the Östersjöfond award |
13.04.2019 | Anna Törnroos-Remes wrote a newspaper column (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) where she urges people to think about who they vote for regarding the future of the Baltic Sea |
18.03.2019 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on what can be done to help the Baltic Sea |
11.03.2019 | Anna Törnroos-Remes and Magnus Hellström were interviewed (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on circular economy and the archipelago |
28.02.2019 | Savitri Jetoo was presented The Baltic Sea Science Day 2019 Award (CBSS) during the CBSS Baltic Sea Science Day |
06.02.2019 | Maria Laamanen took part in a Baltic Sea-themed election debate (John Nurmisen Säätiö, in Finnish) |
04.02.2019 | Maria Laamanen and Erik Bonsdorff were interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding Laamanen becoming Professor of Practice at Åbo Akademi University and the combination of research and society |
28.01.2019 | Maria Laamanen was reported on (Turun Sanomat, in Finnish) becoming Professor of Practice at Åbo Akademi University |
13.01.2019 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the development of the Raumo shipping company |
26.12.2018 | Marko Joas and Nina Tynkkynen took part in the Archipelago Sea Biosphere Reserve – a balance between man and nature newsletter (in Swedish and Finnish) regarding political science and sea research |
11.12.2018 | Henrik Ringbom was interviewed (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) regarding law regulation in the Baltic Sea |
20.11.2018 | Nina Tynkkynen was interviewed (Politiikasta, in Finnish) regarding that cultural heritage should be studied to understand changes in the environment |
12.11.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the plans of moving fish farms further out to sea |
25.07.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Ålandsradio, in Swedish) on algal blooms in the Baltic Sea |
25.07.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on how agriculture contributes to the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea |
01.07.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on fish farms and the plans of moving them further out to sea |
16.05.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff comments regarding a humpback whale in the Baltic Sea and its aftermath was reported on (SVT Nyheter, in Swedish) |
14.05.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding the rescue of a humpback whale in the Baltic Sea and its aftermath |
10.05.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on how we can learn from our past when trying to solve issues with the Baltic Sea |
09.05.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelse, in Swedish) regarding how we can learn from our past |
14.03.2018 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Yle, in Finnish) on the inefficiencies of the harbor operations and their potential solutions |
14.03.2018 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the inefficiencies of the harbor operations and their potential solutions |
11.02.2018 | Anna Törnroos-Remes was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) due to being part of the wining team in the Deep Baltic Sea Challenge |
31.01.2018 | Marko Joas was interviewed (Finlands Natur, in Swedish) on politics around the Baltic Sea |
30.01.2018 | Erik Bonsdorff, Kim Wikström and Marko Joas were interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) regarding The Sea and a donation which was handed out for research within the profile |
30.01.2018 | Åbo Akademi was reported (Åbo Underrättelser, in Swedish) on receiving a donation for research within The Sea |
30.02.2018 | Åbo Akademi was reported (Turun Sanomat, in Finnish) having received a donation for research within The Sea and Erik Bonsdorff had a presentation on Baltic Sea research |
25.11.2017 | Erik Bonsdorff was interviewed (Åbo Underrättelse, in Swedish) regarding Åbo Akademi Biology celebrating 60 years |
30.10.2017 | Kim Wikström was interviewed (Svenska Yle, in Swedish) on the changing ownership of Paroc and the its factory in Pargas |
28.07.2017 | Åbo Akademi was reported (Framtidens Forskning, in Swedish) on having received a donation for implementing The Sea as one of its Strategic Research Profiles |