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Do you want to return to your studies?

Do you want to return to your studies?

Welcome back to Åbo Akademi University to resume your studies. Here we have gathered information and instructions to get started again. To return to one’s studies after a break can be challenging, as a lot of changes might have taken place, both regarding the systems and the study social environment. We will assist you as well as possible and we are happy you are back.

Instructions for returning students whose study time has expired:

  1. Contact the study advisor at your faculty to create a study plan and go through your previous studies. Contact information can be found here.
  2. Submit the application for extension to the duration of studies: Information and link the the application form can be found here. Enclose your study plan to your application.
  3. After you have been informed of the status of your application and if extension has been granted, please submit your application for re-entry into the study register.
  4. After the re-entry has been granted, you should follow the instuctions you receive by email, i.e:
    • Should you not have been enrolled as present or absent the semester before your study time expired, you need to pay the re-enrollment fee of 35 €.
    • You enroll as present by paying the student union fee.
  5. After this you can activate your ÅAU username and get started with everything.
  6. Be in contact with your teacher tutor at your study programme and find out how you can take part in the programme activities. The study advisor can assist with contact information.
  7. There are also student tutors who can help you get started again.
  8. At the beginning of every academic year, we organise an orientation programme for new students. You are welcome to take part in the programme.
  9. You can always turn to studinfo@abo.fi with your questions

Instructions for returning students who still have study time

Should you have been admitted to Åbo Akademi University before year 2005, you have study time until you complete your degree.

  1. Contact the study advisor at your faculty to create a study plan and go through your previous studies. Contact information can be found here.
  2. In case you are/continously have been enrolled as either absent or present, you can skip this step. In other cases, you should apply for re-entry into the study register. You should attach your study plan to your application. If re-entry has been granted you will be instructed to pay the re-enrollment fee of 35 €. You will get instructions by email. In addition you should enroll as present:
  3. You enroll as present by paying the student union fee.
  4. After this you can activate your ÅAU username and get started with everything
  5. Be in contact with your teacher tutor at your study programme and find out how you can take part in the programme activities. The study advisor can assist with contact information.
  6. There are also student tutors who can help you get started again.
  7. At the beginning of every academic year, we organise an orientation programme for new students. You are welcome to take part in the programme.
  8. You can always turn to studinfo@abo.fi with your questions

Updated 20.4.2021