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Engelska språket och litteraturen – doktorsavhandlingar

Engelska språket och litteraturen – doktorsavhandlingar


Cathryn McWilliams, The Letters and Legacy of Mary Ann McCracken (1770–1866), 2021

Mats Nyholm, Searchers after horror : understanding H. P. Lovecraft and his fiction, 2021

Tommi Alho, Classical Education in the Restoration Grammar School : A Case Study of Orationes et carmina aliaque exercitia (Canterbury Cathedral Archives, Lit. MS E41), 2020

Loukia Lindholm, Form and Function of Response Stories in Online Advice, 2019

Petter Skult, The end of the world as we know it:  theoretical perspectives on apocalyptic science fiction, 2019

Kai Latvalehto, Finnish Blood, Swedish Heart?: Examining Second-Generation Sweden-Finnishness, 2018

Jennie Öhman, Interaction in text and hypertext : participant roles on corporate websites, 2018

Linda Bäckman, Second generation’? Language and identity among adults whose parents were migrants, 2017

Lena Englund, Memoir in Transit: Whiteness, Displacement and Journalism in Peter Godwin’s Autobiographical Writing, 2017

Gunilla Bexar, The Great Irish Famine in History-Writing and Prose Fiction. ”The Mutual Interplay of Two Narrative Genres”, 2016

Brita Wårvik, Perspectives on Narrative Discourse Markers: Focus on Old English þa, 2013

Signe-Anita Lindgrén, Mild Developmental Dyslexia in University Students: Diagnosis and Performance features in L1, L, and L3, 2012
See article, p.8-9;

and p.19

Jason Finch, E .M.Forster and English Place: A Literary Topography, 2011
See article, p.18

Oana Varga, From Women to Gender. A Diachronic Exploration of Participant Representation in Texts from the United Nations, 2010
See article, p.23

Michael Foster, Chaucer’s Narrators and the Rhetoric of Self-Preservation, 2008

Charlotta Häggblom, Young EFL-Pupils – Reading Multicultural Childrens Fiction, 2007

Maria Lassén-Seger, Adventures Into Otherness, 2006

Katja Brandt, Christina Rosettis’ ”Goblin Market” – Milton Revised or Revived?, 2006

Ann-Charlotte Lindeberg, Promotion and Politeness: Conflicting Scholarly Rhetoric in Three Disciplines, 2004

Iris Lindahl-Raittila, From Victim of the ’Feminine Mystique’ to Heroine of Feminist Deconstruction: Auto/Biographical Images of Sylvia Plath 1963-2001, 2002

Pia Sillanpää, The Scandinavian Sporting Tour: A Case Study in Geographical Imagology, 2002

Pia Maria Ahlbäck, Energy Heterotopia, Dystopia: George Orwell, Michel Foucault and the Twentieth Century Enviromental Imagination, 2002

Maria Isaksson-Wikberg, Negotiated and Committed Argumentation: a Cross-Cultural Study of American and Finland-Swedish Student Writing, 2000

Lydia Williams, Young EFL Readers and Their Books: Learning to Read in English Immersion Programmes, 1998

Maria Olaussen, Forceful Creation in Harsh Terrain: Place and Identity in Three Novels by Bessie Head, 1997

John Smeds, Statement and Story. Robert Grave’s Myth-Making, 1997

Kaj Sjöholm, The Influence of Crosslinguistic, Semantic, and Input Factors on the Acquisition of English Phrasal Verbs. A Comparison Between Finnish and Swedish Learners at an Intermediate and Advanced level, 1995

Bo Pettersson, The World According to Kurt Vonnegut: Determinism and Its Narrative Realization in the Novels, 1995

Bo Gunnarsson, The Novels of William Gerhardie, 1995

Ilkka Joki, Mamet, Bakhtin, and the Dramatic: The Demotic as a Variable of Addressivity, 1994

Tuija Virtanen-Ulfhielm, Discourse Functions of Adverbial Placement in English: Clause-Initial Adverbials of Time and Place in Narratives and Procedural Place Descriptions, 1993

Torsten Pettersson, Consciousness and Time: A Study in the Philosophy and Narrative Technique of Joseph Conrad, 1982

Kay Wikberg, Yes-No Questions and Answers in Shakespeare’s Plays, A Study in Text Linguistics, 1975

Roger D. Sell, The Shorter Poems of Sir John Beaumont, 1974

Torbjörn Söderholm, The End-Rhymes of Marvell, Cowley, Crashaw, Lovelace and Vaughan. A Study of their Reflection of the Pronunciation of Stressed Vowels and Diphthongs in the Mid-Seventeenth Century, 1971

Håkan Ringbom, Studies in the Narrative Technique of Beowulf and Lawman’s Brut, 1968

Uppdaterad 9.9.2022