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Public Lecture series: Unpacking the Nordic Model

Public Lecture series: Unpacking the Nordic Model

Public Lecture series: Unpacking the Nordic Model 

Finland often justifies its policy or legal decisions based on developments in other Nordic countries, in particular in Sweden. In this Public Lecture series organised by the Minority Research Profile at Åbo Akademi University we will scrutinise this approach in relation to diverse policies including on border, economy and education. We will also look into how Finland, and other Nordic countries respect or stray away from their international and Human Rights obligations while implementing these policies.

The first lecture in the series titled “Deportation dreams and racist imaginaries: Shifts and continuities in Denmark and Sweden’s migration control regimes” will be given by dr Annika Lindberg from the University of Gothenburg. Professor Elina Pirjatanniemi from the Åbo Akademi University will serve as a commentator. The lecture will take place on 3rd of October from 16:00-17:30 (ASA A120 Stora Auditoriet, Fänrigsgatan 3)

Annika Lindberg is an Associate Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Administration at the University of Gothenburg. She is an interdisciplinary researcher interested in borders, mobility and deportation, state power and bureaucracy in Europe, with particular focus on Northern Europe. Her research concerns the formations of a European deportation regime and its local variations and manifestations. Annika teaching and publishing within critical border studies, sociology, political anthropology, international relations, and global studies.