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Carbon-neutral low-processed fuel blending component for existing infrastructure (FOR-BLEND)

Carbon-neutral low-processed fuel blending component for existing infrastructure (FOR-BLEND)




Vaasan yliopisto


  • Åbo Akademi
  • RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
  • Rahoittaja

  • Interreg Aurora
  • Lapin liitto
  • Businesses and industries rely on forests. Forest waste, such as bark and sawdust from sawmills, is typically burned. Refining these residues into fuel for machinery can help meet the European Renewable Energy Directive (REDIII) requirement of 5.5% for advanced biofuels.

    The FOR-BLEND project seeks to develop a process for managing forest-based residue locally and producing a sustainable fuel blend component.

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    Kontakt vid Åbo Akademi

    Cataldo De Blasio (Vastuullinen tutkija)

    Vanhempi yliopistonlehtori 

    Energiatekniikan laboratorio

    Luonnontieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta
    Projektin sivulle Åbo Akademin tutkimusportaalissa