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Sea4Value Smart Terminals

Sea4Value Smart Terminals






  • Katso projektin kotisivu
  • Rahoittaja

  • Business Finland
  • Digitalisation and increased levels of autonomy in transport are expected to take leaps forward in the coming years. This development can help in creating safer, more efficient, sustainable, and reliable service chains to meet the requirements for a better quality of life and global prosperity.

    Harbour operations connect the maritime transport to other modes of transportation and enable multimodal transportation. Smart harbours are in central role in future transport chains. Well build digital infrastructure is essential in both optimizing operations as well as planning for future investment and maintenance needs. Progressive data management and data sharing is essential for transparent, interoperable, safe, effective and environmentally friendly operations.

    Smart Terminals (SMARTER) project enlarges the scope of DIMECC Sea4Value program to harbours and ports by develop solutions that benefit ROPAX and RORO harbours in reducing emissions by optimising harbour operations and improving cargo and people flow while improving the experience for all stakeholders.

    The mission of SMARTER is to create replicable models for digitalisation, service innovation and data usage & sharing in harbour environment and prepare for the future by taking steps towards smart and autonomous maritime transportation.

    SMARTER is a transformative project that aims for wide societal influence by providing concrete research-based recommendations on regulation, business, data usage & sharing and for standardization. Project focuses on experiments that speed up ship turnaround time, optimise the truck traffic and improve people flow.


    Ota yhteyttä

    Magnus Hellström


    Teollisuustalouden laboratorio

    Luonnontieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta

    Johan Lilius

    Digitaalisen transformaation johtaja 


    Projektin kotisivulle