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Registration and registration fee

Registration and registration fee

Deadlines and registration fees


Early bird: until August 15, 2019:

NCCS members: 320 €
Non members: 370 €
Students: 200 € (doesn’t apply to post graduate students)

August 16 – September 1, 2019:
NCCS members: 340 €
Non members: 390 €
Students: 220 € (doesn’t apply to post graduate students)

Participation 1.10 (one day): 75 €
Participation 2.10 (one day): 160 €
Participation 3.10 (one day): 135 €

The conference fee includes lunches 2-3.10 and coffee as scheduled as well as reception on Wednesday evening.

An invoice for the registration fee will be sent to the address provided in the registration form.

NOTE! As considerable planning is necessary for this event, a NO REFUND policy is in effect. Refunds cannot be made once registration fees have been received.

Uppdaterad 14.2.2019