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Let us know about your event

Let us know about your event

Let us know about your event

Are you arranging an event that is not yet in the event listing? Let us know about it by filling this form.
Please beware, that the event calendar primarily is reserved for events arranged by Åbo Akademi University.

  • What is the title of the event?
  • Write here all that you want people to know about the event.
  • On what date does the event start?
    DD dot MM dot YYYY
  • At what time does the event start?
  • When does the event end?
    DD dot MM dot YYYY
  • At what time does the event end?
  • If you have an image that you want to be shown as the title image of the event, you can upload one here.
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • Where is the event going to be held?
  • If the event has a website, write down the address here.
  • Write your phone number here, so that we can contact you if need be.
  • Write your phone number here, so that we can contact you if need be.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



NOTE: if you want your event to be shown also in the Swedish listing you have to fill in the Swedish form after you have clicked on Send. This box and the link to the Swedish form will be available after you have sent this form.

Updated 5.2.2018