Måndag 4.4.2022
08.30–09.00 | Registrering Vån II |
09.00–09.15 | Konferensen öppnas Auditorium Bruhn (C201) |
09.15–10.15 | Keynote I: Over 100 years since John Dewey’s Democracy and Education – Where are we with democracy & education now? Tuukka Tomperi Auditorium Bruhn (C201) |
10.15–10.30 | Kaffe Foajén |
10.30–12.30 | Parallella sessioner I
I A. Sustainability in social studies teaching |
I B. Social studies teaching |
12.30–13.30 | Lunch Konst o. Deli (Kyrkoesplanden 4) |
13.30-15.30 | Parallella sessioner II
II A. Social studies teaching |
II B. Workshop: Bærekraftsundervisning i en brytningstid? En analyse av «Ansvarskortene» som en dilemmatreningsøvelse |
15.30-16.00 | Kaffe och saltbit Foajén |
19.00 | Konferensmiddag på Restaurant Hejm, Blå vägen 1 B Musikframförande av The Haralds. |
Tisdag 5.4.2022
09.00–11.00 | Parallella sessioner III
III A. Democracy education |
III B. Symposium – Quality in Social Science Teaching (QUISST) |
11.00–11.30 | Information om NOKSA 4 Auditorium Bruhn (C201) |
11.30–12.30 | Lunch Konst o. Deli (Kyrkoesplanden 4) |
12.30–13.30 | Keynote II: : Can Games Promote Economic and Financial Education? Panu Kalmi Auditorium Bruhn (C201) |
13.30–14.00 | Kaffe Foajén |
14.00–15.30 | Parallella sessioner IV
IV A. Citizenship, democracy and critical thinking |
IV B. Symposium – Quality in Social Science Teaching (QUISST) |
15.30-16.00 | Saltbit och avslutningsmingel Foajén |