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BALTIC LOOP – EU INTERREG Central Baltic project

BALTIC LOOP – EU INTERREG Central Baltic project




Turku University of Applied Sciences Ltd. Finland

Övriga projektparter

  • Region Örebro County Sweden
  • Vidzeme Planning Region Latvia
  • Riga Planning Region Latvia
  • Åbo Akademi University Finland
  • Ventspils High Technology Park Foundation Latvia
  • Union of Harju County Municipalities Estonia
  • Finansiär

  • European Regional Development Fund
  • Budget

    1 980 000 euro

    Åbo Akademis del av budgeten

    360 000 euro (18%)

    Interreg Central Baltic logo

    The Baltic Sea Region forms economically, politically and sociologically an integrated and stable geographic area, with a consumer base of approximately 100 million people. The geographic location in the far Northeast corner of Europe, long transport distances and growing economy, increase traffic volumes, thus setting new requirements on traffic planning, policies and implementation of “greener” and advanced transport solutions on local, regional and national levels. An advanced and well-working transport network is crucial for ensuring continued prosperity, growth and further development of the region.

    BALTIC LOOP focuses on solutions improving and smoothening transport flows of both people and goods in three selected corridors running in the West-East direction; (Northern, Middle and  Southern) within the Central Baltic Region, namely Örebro –Turku/Tallinn/Riga – St. Petersburg. The projects seeks to minimize the impact and/or number of different traffic hindrances or bottlenecks. The overall aim is to minimize travelling and cargo time in the corridors, and reduce CO2-emissions. Developing traffic corridors with shortened travel and transport times will make the corridors more attractive to new businesses and innovations.

    Åbo Akademi University is represented in the BALTIC LOOP by the Laboratory of Industrial Management, which primarily focuses on alternative business solutions and models for smart and sustainable sea logistics and port operations, being part of the three West-East transport corridors.

    Kontakta oss

    Irina Wahlström


    Laboratoriet för industriell ekonomi

    Fakulteten för naturvetenskaper och teknik