Övriga projektparter
Project Researchers: MA Mercédesz Czimbalmos, Docent Simo Muir, Dr Dóra Pataricza, Dr Riikka Tuori
The project examines central ideas of boundaries as they are negotiated and interpreted among Jews living in Finland today, compares the emerging patterns with Nordic counterparts, thus challenging perceptions that currently guide research on minority ethnic and religious identities. It ties on to recent developments within the research on lived religion and on identity and change in Jewish communities worldwide, creating previously unexplored possibilities for Nordic com-parison. The objectives are to explore and explain contemporary Jewish lived religion in light of the challenges set by the fluctuating religious landscape of 21st century Finland, in comparison with Nordic contexts and to demonstrate how the case of Finland contributes to the theoretical and methodological development of the international research field. It spans four years and con-sists of four tightly interlinked case studies building on archival material, a quantitative question-naire and ethnographic interviews.
Ruth Illman, ruth.illman@abo.fi