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Yrkeshögskolan Novia


  • Åbo Akademi
  • Vasa yrkeshögskola
  • Finansiär

  • EU-FRO Fonden för en rättvis omställning
  • The MAP-UP-P2X project investigates the potential of coupling captured carbon dioxide with renewable energy in order to produce synthetic fuels locally and in an environmentally friendly way. The project explores the regional opportunities for utilizing and refining CO , O and H and aims to create a better understanding of raw material flows in various industries and processes.

    By mapping available technologies for carbon dioxide separation and hydrogen gas production as well as market demands in relation to potential production capacity for various green synthetic products, the current situation as well as future business opportunities can be better understood. Through this project, the goal is therefore to increase the knowledge and readiness to apply new technologies in the region, highlight new possibilities, and to provide decision makers with up-to-date information on alternatives as to meet carbon neutrality goals and support phasing out peat-based energy solutions.

    Projektets hemsida

    Novia University of Applied Sciences -logo      Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu University of Applied Sciences -logo   ÅA Åbo Akademi University logo

     Westenergy - logo         Stormossen -logo

    Kontakt vid Åbo Akademi

    Cataldo De Blasio (Ansvarig forskare)

    Äldre universitetslektor 

    in Energy Technology

    Laboratoriet för energiteknik

    Fakulteten för naturvetenskaper och teknik
    Till projektsidan i Åbo Akademis forskningsportal