There are ten teacher training schools in Finland which are maintained by universities with teacher education. The schools are the development schools of the universities. Vasa Övningsskola is the only Swedish-language teacher training school in Finland and, together with Åbo Akademi University, it is responsible for the teacher students’ supervised teaching practice.
Vasa Övningsskola participates in local, regional and national development projects, both within basic education and upper-secondary school education. Vasa Övningsskola is also closely tied to research at the universities. An important partner in experimental, research and development work, as well as supervised teacher training and curriculum work is the teacher training schools’ cooperation network eNorssi,
Examples of current projects are:
- Positive Psychology
- Coordination of the Finnish National Board of Education’s internationalization project for educative education
- IDEMO, Integrated Subject and Democratic Education
- LUKE, Development network of the upper-secondary schools
- KAARO, The universities’ network for the development of assessment literacy
- FYREN, School cooperation network for developments within basic education
- Pic(ture) me, Research on literary-didactic perspectives on picture books and novels.
- InLärning och Stöd2 (ILS2), A follow-up study of Finland-Swedish pupils’ reading and writing proficiency